
Family Life [1.9.5] (Perestrello) [uncen] [2016, ADV, Harem, Incest, Lesbians, All Sex, Titfuck, Anal sex, BDSM] [rus+eng]

Family Life / Семейная жизнь Педро Иванова-Морган-Перестрелло

Год выпуска: 2016
Дата релиза: 2019/04/01
Жанр: ADV, Harem, Incest, Lesbians, All Sex, Titfuck, Anal sex, BDSM
Цензура: Отсутствует/Есть патч для удаления
Разработчик/Издатель: Perestrello
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Пиратка (неофициальная)
Лекарство: Не требуется
Версия: 1.9.5
Язык игры (сюжет): Русский + Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский + Английский
Язык озвучки: Отсутствует
Системные требования:
● OS: Win
● HDD: 9 GB
Игра о нелёгкой семейной жизни, очень красивого и сильно развратного американского героя.
Игрок может либо развивать семейные отношения, и получить счастливую семью, либо предаваться очень разнообразному разврату с соседками и знакомыми.
А если он совсем без морали, то может заняться развращением собственных дочерей, и их подружек, или вообще погрузиться в такой разврат, из которого уже нет выхода, вот тогда ГГ, уж точно не порадуется своей судьбе.
Доп. информация:
Полная версия игры.
Дата релиза примерная (судил по последней дате изменения файлов игры).
С трудом нашёл последнюю выпущенную версию, выкладываю, чтобы совсем не затерялась.


Размер: 8.73 GB
Новые порнотрекеры -- Sexitorrent---5pornotorrent---Domahi---Trahtorrent---Loveporno---Porevotorrent---Japan
А есть точно такая же только с аниме артами?

Игра хорошая. Но без прохождения тяжеловато находить инвенты.

23846821А есть точно такая же только с аниме артами?
Не видел такого (анимэ), есть вторая часть, где 3DCG:
23846949Игра хорошая. Но без прохождения тяжеловато находить инвенты.
Прохождение можно поискать в мёртвом блоге игры, кое-что там видел:

Там не столько прохождение сколько список инвентов. А я как то играл в версию в еоторой были встроены подсказки. Эту бы найти.

Гриндить замаешься. У кого-нибудь сейвы есть?

23847464Там не столько прохождение сколько список инвентов. А я как то играл в версию в еоторой были встроены подсказки. Эту бы найти.
в разделе информация можно и прохождение посмотреть. но оно там сильно не полное и порою непонятное. встроенные подсказки вроде как только в моде английской версии на F95. с читами и возможностью просмотреть любой ивент. но там 1.9 версия

Для тех кто сам ищет прохождение:
Пароль от game.qsp 12345

если поискать, есть чит мод, но максимальные статы, не облегчают поиск ивентов...

если бы еще интерфейс был настроен по человечески, а то полный треш!

23848908если поискать, есть чит мод, но максимальные статы, не облегчают поиск ивентов...
а где его можно найти?

23848908если поискать, есть чит мод, но максимальные статы, не облегчают поиск ивентов...
а где его можно найти?
Завтра выложу, хотя там не просто чит-мод, а что-то очень сильно добавляет, 10 Гб размер. Хм, хотя он один фиг на английском.
Вот нашёл мод для русской версии, но не для последней, похоже. Но попробовать (с бэкапом) можно.

Добавил чит команды из старой версии в новую. В наличии: перемотка времени, добавить/убавить отношения, деньги, подарки, уборка дома и максимум статов https://mega.nz/file/p34jxIKZ#_TF3Xctm8eEfXmNMAx2Ka...donikDCugDiPnTNY

23848908если поискать, есть чит мод, но максимальные статы, не облегчают поиск ивентов...
а где его можно найти?
например сайт химера, там чит мод

Какая-то херня с ребенком. Сколько к нему ни захожу, играть с ним нельзя, потом он меня режет потому что я с ним не достаточно играл.

23861304Какая-то херня с ребенком. Сколько к нему ни захожу, играть с ним нельзя, потом он меня режет потому что я с ним не достаточно играл.
Нужно продолжать заходить. Пока не появятся действия - поиграть, уделить внимание. Но если долго забивал на него - проще начать сначала и там сразу на ребенка внимание максимум.

Есть у кого прохождение?Поделитесь плиз.

23861304Какая-то херня с ребенком. Сколько к нему ни захожу, играть с ним нельзя, потом он меня режет потому что я с ним не достаточно играл.
в 8 и 18 часов в детячьей комнате. когда жена там

23858382Добавил чит команды из старой версии в новую. В наличии: перемотка времени, добавить/убавить отношения, деньги, подарки, уборка дома и максимум статов https://mega.nz/file/p34jxIKZ#_TF3Xctm8eEfXmNMAx2Ka...donikDCugDiPnTNY
Добавил в шапку, спасибо!

адекватного прохождения никто не нашел?

Только отрывки.

По мнению подобных разрабов, игроки якобы должны "просто играть"? Типо Ивенты должны сами выскакивать во время игры?
Как бы не так, это типикал проект уровня "выполнил действия, ищи следующее, перебирая абсолютно все вкладки".
Иначе говоря, когда вы сталкиваетесь с отсутствием прогресса, это значит, что вы должны встать в определенном месте ночью, пока луна находится на определенном градусе от определенного предмета и что бы ваши статы удовлетворяли определенным (скрытым) требованиям, что бы у вас была определенная (скрытая) последовательность действий и т.д. И вишенкой на торте это то, что некоторые вещи не смогут повториться, какие то концовки блокируются. У вас вообще не будет никакой информации кроме цифровых характеристик отношений. В первую очередь мы должны играть в это, а во вторую читать. Любой 10\10 текст лучше читать в книгах, какой смысл в тексте, если он не адаптирован для игры. Крч я просто хотел просто донести мысль, не принимайте за чистую монету, на это можно потратить время, просто готовьтесь к тупому закликиванию ненужной чепухи и ублюдскому интерфейсу. Не просто так здесь массово просят прохождение.



По мнению подобных разрабов, игроки якобы должны "просто играть"? Типо Ивенты должны сами выскакивать во время игры?
Как бы не так, это типикал проект уровня "выполнил действия, ищи следующее, перебирая абсолютно все вкладки".
Иначе говоря, когда вы сталкиваетесь с отсутствием прогресса, это значит, что вы должны встать в определенном месте ночью, пока луна находится на определенном градусе от определенного предмета и что бы ваши статы удовлетворяли определенным (скрытым) требованиям, что бы у вас была определенная (скрытая) последовательность действий и т.д. И вишенкой на торте это то, что некоторые вещи не смогут повториться, какие то концовки блокируются. У вас вообще не будет никакой информации кроме цифровых характеристик отношений. В первую очередь мы должны играть в это, а во вторую читать. Любой 10\10 текст лучше читать в книгах, какой смысл в тексте, если он не адаптирован для игры. Крч я просто хотел просто донести мысль, не принимайте за чистую монету, на это можно потратить время, просто готовьтесь к тупому закликиванию ненужной чепухи и ублюдскому интерфейсу. Не просто так здесь массово просят прохождение.
Друг, эта игра - просто реликт из прошлого, затем я её и выложил. Да, местами несуразна, непроходима и идиотична. Но что-то в этом есть)



23866734По мнению подобных разрабов, игроки якобы должны "просто играть"? Типо Ивенты должны сами выскакивать во время игры?
Как бы не так, это типикал проект уровня "выполнил действия, ищи следующее, перебирая абсолютно все вкладки".
Иначе говоря, когда вы сталкиваетесь с отсутствием прогресса, это значит, что вы должны встать в определенном месте ночью, пока луна находится на определенном градусе от определенного предмета и что бы ваши статы удовлетворяли определенным (скрытым) требованиям, что бы у вас была определенная (скрытая) последовательность действий и т.д. И вишенкой на торте это то, что некоторые вещи не смогут повториться, какие то концовки блокируются. У вас вообще не будет никакой информации кроме цифровых характеристик отношений. В первую очередь мы должны играть в это, а во вторую читать. Любой 10\10 текст лучше читать в книгах, какой смысл в тексте, если он не адаптирован для игры. Крч я просто хотел просто донести мысль, не принимайте за чистую монету, на это можно потратить время, просто готовьтесь к тупому закликиванию ненужной чепухи и ублюдскому интерфейсу. Не просто так здесь массово просят прохождение.
Друг, эта игра - просто реликт из прошлого, затем я её и выложил. Да, местами несуразна, непроходима и идиотична. Но что-то в этом есть)
Дружище ты мой братюняяяя - я же написал, играть в это можно и не стоит мои слова воспринимать в штыки, я про твой выбор касательно решения залить эту игру сюда вообще и словом не обмолвил.

Привет, чад )
Совет по поводу прохождения любой игры на базе qsp-плеера.
На саите автора плеера есть редактор в свободном доступе , загуглите qgen400b1 .
Открываете в нем фаил игры, crtl+ f , вводите текст с экрана где возникла проблема. Смотрите что нашли и смотрите что за условия там написаны.
Как правило, такие игры пишут довольно примитивно, разобраться что требуется для прохождения можно без навыков, разве что пара английских слов понадобиться и все.
Если кто захочет , может сам себе читы написать за пол часа , благо у автора плеера на саите есть учебник по тому как делать игры )
Короче не душитесь и хев э фан)



Привет, чад )
Совет по поводу прохождения любой игры на базе qsp-плеера.
На саите автора плеера есть редактор в свободном доступе , загуглите qgen400b1 .
Открываете в нем фаил игры, crtl+ f , вводите текст с экрана где возникла проблема. Смотрите что нашли и смотрите что за условия там написаны.
Как правило, такие игры пишут довольно примитивно, разобраться что требуется для прохождения можно без навыков, разве что пара английских слов понадобиться и все.
Если кто захочет , может сам себе читы написать за пол часа , благо у автора плеера на саите есть учебник по тому как делать игры )
Короче не душитесь и хев э фан)
наверное людям все же хочется в игру поиграть а не осваивать основы программирования на qsp. лично я какое то время поиграл, потом встрял на всех ветках, переждал во всех локациях в надежде найти продолжение и передарил всем подарки, надеясь что это поможет.... и ничего. и это я делал с читами.... представляю что испытывает человек решивший в это честно поиграть.

За раздачу - спасибо.
-много развилок
-достаточно большой набор картинок/видео с классными актрисами(ну тут на любителя)
-относительно неплохой сюжет(чувствуется отсылка на qsp игру дом)
-куча гринда;
-не очевидные развилки/триггеры для дальнейшего прохождения;
-супер просто запороть какую-нибудь вилку без возможности как-то вернуться.
Если собрались играть, несколько советов:
1) играть без читов смысла нет совсем.
2) гринда много, очень много (под много, я говорю что только 1 ивент с простым лапаньем идет 4 раза, (раз в день, само собой), потом еще 7 раз немного по другому лапаешь (тоже раз в день, в выходные нельзя, вроде как), ивент с массажем - около 30 раз, если я ничего не путаю - тоже раз в день. И это только массаж.
3) Если уж собрались играть, то:
-играть только с читами;
-играть, вскрывая игру через qgen (12345 пасс) и ориентироваться на локацию "запуск игры" - там есть название и описание ивентов и локацию "LangRus" - там весь текст игры, от него будете по файлу искать ветки;
-через saveedit менять свои сэйвы.
И даже при таком раскладе потратите кучу времени, пусть не на самую плохую, но все же не лучшую игру(перепройдите дом уж, если ностальгия замучила)



За раздачу - спасибо.
-много развилок
-достаточно большой набор картинок/видео с классными актрисами(ну тут на любителя)
-относительно неплохой сюжет(чувствуется отсылка на qsp игру дом)
-куча гринда;
-не очевидные развилки/триггеры для дальнейшего прохождения;
-супер просто запороть какую-нибудь вилку без возможности как-то вернуться.
Если собрались играть, несколько советов:
1) играть без читов смысла нет совсем.
2) гринда много, очень много (под много, я говорю что только 1 ивент с простым лапаньем идет 4 раза, (раз в день, само собой), потом еще 7 раз немного по другому лапаешь (тоже раз в день, в выходные нельзя, вроде как), ивент с массажем - около 30 раз, если я ничего не путаю - тоже раз в день. И это только массаж.
3) Если уж собрались играть, то:
-играть только с читами;
-играть, вскрывая игру через qgen (12345 пасс) и ориентироваться на локацию "запуск игры" - там есть название и описание ивентов и локацию "LangRus" - там весь текст игры, от него будете по файлу искать ветки;
-через saveedit менять свои сэйвы.
И даже при таком раскладе потратите кучу времени, пусть не на самую плохую, но все же не лучшую игру(перепройдите дом уж, если ностальгия замучила)
Добавил в шапку информацию по паролю для qsp-файла, спасибо.

Прохождение, которое когда-то сохранил. Берегу сей реликт тоже)

Caprice walkthrough - different author

1. Wife Photoshoot event. (at home @21:00 after day 3)
2. Pool @21:00 saturday
3. Visit the Adams 3 different days between 17:00 and 22:00
4. Bonus event can be done any time before 1600: Second floor in the house, @17:00 or 19:00 weekend. Event is not required, choices don't make any difference outside from pictures
5. Sports Center: Group sessions x 10 until you meet Caprice. Do yoga//Help her
!!Starting from now, you cannot forget about her for more than 7 days or it all stops!!
!!All events are at Madisons house unless stated otherwise!!
6. @21:00.
Give her a lift
7. @21:00.Different day
Give her a lift
8. @21:00 with a dress in the inventory.Different day
Give her a lift
9. @21:00 on a different day. love>=100
Do some more yoga.
Of course i will
10. @17:00. love>=30 fashion=100 dress in inventory
Propose to walk around town
(events 12 and 13 should allow this choice too but this is needed for event 11 which is required for event 37 so let's clear this)
11. @22:00 on a day you did nothing with her
Propose to walk around town
12. @19:00 dress in the inventory. fashion=100 love>=30
Try to move
!! From now on any visit requires fashion=100, relation>=200 and charisma>=40!!
13. @17:00 lingerie in inventory.
14. @19:00 lingerie in inventory.
15. @17:00 lingerie in inventory.
16. @19:00 lingerie in inventory.
!!now the charisma requirement is 60!!
17. @17:00 or 19:00. lingerie in inventory.
Two choices of photoshoots. (save and do again if you want to see all). No difference on later events
18. @19:00 lingerie in inventory.
Conduct a photoshoot
19. @17:00 lingerie in inventory.
Continue photoshoot to see more but no impact on later events
!!By this time event 4 should be done or it won't be available anymore!!
!!REQ now requires charisma>=70!!
20. @19:00
21. @17:00
I will take photos of you only at home
if you want to check the photoshoot event, accept the photoshoot but you will encounter a dead end with Caprice
22. @19:00
I will take photos of you only at home
23. @17:00
I will take photos of you only at home
!!charisma requirement is now 80!!
!!the yoga event series can be started after event 13 without disrupting 14-23!!
24. @21:00.
repeat 6 times
25. @21:00.
(((if you did this event series before 14-23 go complete that now and just wait for her or leave))).
Look for her
26. no requirements. be at home @10:00. you get a call.
Go to the studio before 18:00.
Show caprice's photos to him
27. @21:00.
Look for her.
Tell Caprice.
I'll tell her everything.
Don't seduce her.
28. Go back to the studio between 10:00 and 18:00.
Show him Caprice's photos (you can select the other choice to watch Olivia but it's a dead end)
29. @17:00 or 19:00 Have the big dildo in inventory
Gift her the vibrator
I must finish the job
!!By now you should have taken her out to walk in the city (event 11)!!
30. @21:00.
Wait for her
!!there is no minimum value to love requirement anymore. charisma and fashion still apply!!
31. @17:00 or 19:00
Do not fuck her. Other choices only differ in images
!!if you chose to fuck her, wait 5 days then go to the Sports center. She will cheat on you. the end!!
32. @21:00 different day.
Continue blowjob.
Promise to come tomorrow
(DO NOT fail to keep the promise or the event series fails)
33. @17:00 or 19:00 NEXT day.
34. Go to Sports Complex.
Refuse the offer.
(Accepting the offer gives 3 choices that only impact on Foxy and are a dead end with Caprice)
35. @22:00.
!!Requirements now include handsomeness>=80!!
36. @17:00 different day
37. @21:00 different day. 300$ required
Go to the restaurant
38. @17:00 different day.
39. @19:00 different day.
!!No more requirements!!
40. @17:00 or 19:00 or 21:00 or 22:00. different day
Repeat this 5times
You can end the game or repeat and cycle through all the images.
You might even be able to forget about her for more than a week at this point (she will be mad but no impact)

Caprice walkthrough

Visit your pool at 21:00 on Saturday to meet your neighbors, the Adams
Then, visit the Adam's house between 17:00 and 23:00.
A subsequent day, visit again in the same time frame.
Again, a subsequent day do the same. You have now met your other neighbors, the Madison family.
First Caprice event - Now visit your "Hall" on a Saturday or Sunday between 19:00 and 22:00, and choose "Talk to Caprice about it".
At the end choose "Agree to Try"
Now for the rest -
Main Caprice series:
-Buy a Sport Complex subscription.
-Do Main Hall sessions until you meet Angelica, and hire Patrick as a personal trainer.
-Do Group Sessions until you meet Caprice (will take several). Choose "I'll take some Yoga classes".
-Choose "Help Her"
-Visit the Madison house at 21:00
Now things get a little complicated, for now choose "Give her a lift"
-Buy a Dress at the mall
-Visit the Madison house at 21:00 and gift the dress to Caprice.
-Buy another dress, and visit at 21:00 the next day.
-Continue your daily visits at 21:00 with a dress in your inventory, and choose the "give a lift" option.
-Eventually she'll do a lingerie show for you. Choose "do more yoga" and give her another lift to the club.
Photography subseries
-After this, visit her at 17:00 or 19:00 with a dress in your inventory. This series is repeated a couple times.
-Eventually, when given the option, choose "Try to move on in the relationships with Caprice"
-Buy some "sexy Underwear" at the mall, and visit her the next day at 17. Choose "I will come back again today"
-Buy another sexy underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. When given the option, choose "Talk"
-buy more underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. Choose "show me everything".
-buy more underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. Choose "lets go to the room"
-buy more underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. Save here, and choose whichever option you prefer (both have separate events)
Now continue to visit at 17 and/or 19. Each time slot has a different event, 17 being underwear, 19 being dresses (which usually get removed).
-After a few of either modeling, you get the option to choose between photographing her at home, or the studio.
-The "studio" option pisses her off and blocks off all further contact.
-The "home" option has one additional photoshoot before offering the choice between home and studio again. Home has nothing additional, and studio locks off further events. Choose "home" and get back to the main quest line.
Back to main: (locked off if you do the "studio" choice)
-Continue to visit at 21:00 for naked yoga.
-Eventually you convincer her masturbating is a great way to relax. Afterwards, choose "Look for her" and "peep" (Peep will only appear as an option if you have done at least 3 modeling sessions with her)
-Be at home between 10 and 14. When you get the call, head to the Studio in town.
You have the choice between showing Caprice's photos to the director. The boss line is currently dead ended, so choose "Show Caprice's photos to him"
-visit her again at 21:00 and choose "look for her"
-Tell Caprice you watched her in the bath previously.
-Tell her everything.
-Don't seduce her.
-Head to the Studio between 10 and 18, choose to "Show him Caprice's photos".
-Buy a "Large vibrator" at the mall
-Visit Caprice at 17 or 19
-"Gift her the vibrator..."
-"I must finish the job..."
-Visit her at 21:00 and choose "Wait for her"
-Visit her at 17 or 19
-At this point you have a choice. Save here. If you fuck her here, you get one more follow up event at the Sports Complex a following day, then dead end.
-Choose either continue the blow job or go home, either one.
-Visit her at 21:00, choose "Continue the blowjob"
-"Promise to come tomorrow"
-Visit her the next day at 17 or 19
-Visit her the next day at 21:00
-The next day visit the sports complex and make a choice: To share or not.

Foxy walkthrough

1.(totally optional): visit at 20:00 in her room. There is a 33% chance you'll cuddle her. If it doesn't just don't talk, walk out and come back in. This scene has to trigger 3 times for you to see all the images and text
2. (totally optional) visit at 8:00 in her room. Same as above no need to talk so you can try until it triggers. She will ask you to take her to the nightclub. Agree, and be at home at 21:00. There are three choices with different pictures but nothing noteworthy
3. Be at your pool on saturday at 21:00. You get to meet the Adams. Tell him you need to love your family
4. Go to Foxy's room at 6:00. Peep on her
5. Go to the kitchen at 16:00. Choose "Continue". Repeat until she kisses you
6. Give her massage oil (love required above 100) and lingerie (above 200)
7. If you gave her the oil you visit her in her room at 20:00. Choose "continue tomorrow". Repeat until no more scenes appear
8. If you gave the lingerie, visit her in the dining room at 19:00. Choose "do not believe" (7 and 8 can be done at the same time). Repeat until she flashes her boobs.
9. Give her lingerie again, with love above 400, look=100 and handsomeness>=60, after the massage event is over.
10. be at home between 12:00 and 17:00. Charisma>=60 required
11. Give her books 5 times.
12. Visit her room at 20:00 beauty and fashion required. Repeat until given a choice: select "Nope" or "I don't know"
13. Visit her in her bathroom at 23:00 . Feel her up
14. Visit her in the dining room at 19:00 during the week. Play with Foxy. Continue
15. Visit the nanny's room at 20:00
16. Be at home between 15:00 and 20:00. You will be asked to allow or forbid her to bring friends home.
o If you allow, rather than making an extensive guide, just do this no matter what you chose:
§ spy on cams at 20:00. check the second spoiler on how to activate spying on Foxy
§ if nothing triggers, visit her at 19:00 in the dinner.
§ if there is nothing yet, visit her at 20:00 in her room.
§ if this still fails, be home in the afternoon (i'd say between 12 and 15)
§ if this is not enough, spy at these hours.
§ if she rightfully insists that this is all wrong, tell her to keep doing it nonetheless.
§ repeat
o When you have choices, let the other guys take the photos (with you it is a dead end)
o If Foxy hesitates about going further, tell her to continue obeying them (father of the year award...)
o For all the scenes, choose Michael one time, and don't choose the second time.
17. Let's assume you forbade her from bringing boys. Visit her room at 20:00 a few times. "I'll take the pictures myself"
18. Visit her room at 20:00 a few times yet again
19. Visit at 8:00. Cheer her up
20. Visit her in the dining room at 19:00 during the week
21. Go to her room when she is not there, search through her stuff.
22. You now have the option to "Teach her" when you are in the pool at 15:00, in the dining room at 19:00 or in the bathroom at 23:00
o In the pool you only have one image. Dining room has three options with three different images. Bathroom one scene.
o You have a 50% chance someone will walk by and nothing happens
o You should first let her watch the DVDs, always watch with her and lick her if you want all the scenes.
o Repeat until the dialog changes: Teach her to masturbate only once. Save and teach her again to masturbate for an exclusive scene but a dead end
o Now teach her to suck, until you give her an exam
o Be at your office at 23:00 or 24:00. If last session was in the bathroom you might want to skip a few days and maybe talk to her during teachable hours
o Teach again... the last 2 scenes require love above 1500
23. wait a couple of days, and wake up at 6:00
24. be at home at 16:00
25. visit her in her room at 20:00. Ask about virginity
26. Spycam on foxy (check the second spoiler on how to activate the cams for Foxy) between 15:00 and 22:00
27. be at home at 20:00, with the vaginal opener bought, and love above 2000
28. wake up at 6:00
29. If you haven't given her the dildo at this point, do it. Visit her two times at 20:00
30. wake up at 6:00 during the weekend
31. go to the Hall, on a saturday at 22:00
0. You can choose to ask him what he is doing here.
§ Go to Foxy's room at 20:00, repeat a few times and you get the ending.
1. Or Apologize
32. Let's assume you apologized. Be at home at 15:00
33. Go to the hall between 11:00 and 14:00. Agree
34. Be at home at 15:00. Talk to Johnny. Accept the proposition
35. Be at home at 15:00 a few times until you are given a choice. Save and choose "I can if you insist" for an exclusive scene but a dead end. Choose "I'll do it at my pace"
36. Home, 14:00. Peep
37. Home, 15:00. Peep
38. Home, 15:00. Repeat a few times. End of current content
to be able to spy on foxy, you need to
1. Visit Gina in her bathroom at 23:00 a couple of times
2. Visit Gina at 18:00 in her room. High stats might be necessary. Choose Foxy or Everywhere depending on your preferences
Updated walkthrough (how to continue on in the newer versions of the game and to get to Foxy's new "nymphomaniac" path added by the spectre1viper mod (separate walkthrough)):
Events that you must complete (events may not be in order so try all of the below frequently!):
Neighbor Keiran visit
- Let Foxy decide
- Wait outside for 30 minutes
Be downstairs in your home at hour 15 (four different times total)
View the cameras in your office several times at hour 20 until there aren't any more events (do this throughout the week)
Talk with Foxy (several times in her bedroom at hour 20)
- Yes, talk to her again
- Confess that I saw her escapades with her girlfriends or teacher
View the cameras in your office several times at hour 20 until there aren't any more events (do this throughout the week)
You have to talk with Foxy a few times between a couple of the camera events at hour 20 (two times total I believe)

Foxy's Nymphomaniac path - spectre1viper

Foxy's "nymphomaniac" path (exclusive to spectre1viper mod)
Requirements to start this path - Important!!!:
1. Complete most of Laura's path
a. Patched your relationship with her fully (in love again)
b. Sleeping with Laura in your bedroom
c. Must have the option to have anal sex with her
d. Minimum relationship of 2000 with Laura
2. Complete most of Foxy's path
a. Must have fucked Foxy's third girlfriend from this event from the original game
"After our last threesome I talked to my daughter and I agreed with her that she
would help me to fuck her third girlfriend who she had sex with already, but whose
pussy I hadn’t tasted yet." - 'Girlfriends' variable in the cheat menu under Events
for Foxy must be at least 8.
b. Minimum relationship of 1500 with Foxy to start sex events, 2500 relationship
to start group sex events
c. Strength of 90
d. Charisma of 70
3. 36 days have had to pass in-game since you started playing this play through
(total days). NumDay has to be greater than 35 (variable listed on the cheat menu).
Note: Many of the above steps are also required for many of the steps below. This is
especially true for the relationship, strength, and charm requirements.
Cheat: For those who have already played the game several times and just wish to experience
this new path, or for those who are really stuck and can't get to this point, there
is a command that you can type into the spectre1viper command injector:
FoxyNewPathStart = 1 This will fulfill all requirements to start this walkthrough.
I don't recommend using it unless you have to. Don't use it if you are already
part way through this path as it will reset you back to the beginning of this
Walkthrough - Foxy's sex events (Pedro with Foxy)
1. Complete all three Foxy sex events in Foxy's bedroom at hours 8 or 17 - random chance
of event triggering, keep trying until event triggers, can only do one event per day.
2. Complete all three Foxy sex events in the Lounge (downstairs Hall) at hours 6 - 10 on
weekdays (Monday - Friday) or hours 6 - 8 and hours 11 - 16 on the weekend
(Saturday or Sunday) - random chance of event triggering, keep trying until event
triggers, can only do one event per day.
3. Complete all six Foxy dialog sex events, "Ask Foxy for sex" dialog option.
Can do this any time of the day or week, just find Foxy in your home and talk with her.
Can only ask Foxy for sex once per day.
4. If you did steps 1 - 3 correctly, sleep with Laura at night at hour 23 or 0 and you
should trigger an achievement completion event stating that you've completed all of
Foxy's sex events. If this doesn't trigger, then you missed one or more sex events
in steps 1 - 3.
Walkthrough - Foxy's group sex events (FFM and FFMM)
A minimum of one day has to pass before the next event can occur! You cannot have more
than one group sex event trigger per day. Sleep at night to advance the time.
You can also use the cheat menu to advance time but you need to sleep several days
per week for proper game function. This applies to all the events below!
Minimum relationship of 2500 required with Foxy to start her group sex events.
5. Visit the Lounge (downstairs Hall) at hours 0 - 2 or hours 14 - 16 on the weekend
(Saturday or Sunday) - random chance of event triggering, keep trying until event
6. Choose Option - "Sit down and join them".
7. At least five days have to pass before the next event is available.
8. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 8 - 19 on a weekday.
9. Choose Option - "Thank you Foxy, count me in".
10. Visit the Lounge (downstairs Hall) at hours 0 - 2 on the weekend as agreed upon.
11. Choose Option - "Sit down and join them".
12. At least two days have to pass before the next event is available.
13. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 8 - 19 on a weekday.
14. Choose Option - "Apologize sincerely".
15. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 14 - 16 on the weekend.
16. Choose Options - "Go with Sven to the shower" and "Put your dick in Eva's face".
17. At least three days have to pass before the next event is available.
18. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 10 - 18 on a weekday.
19. Choose Option - "Tell Foxy that you'll be right there".
20. Visit the lounge immediately as agreed upon.
21. Visit Foxy's bedroom between the hours of 17 - 20.
22. Choose Options - "Investigate further" and "Enter Foxy's room".
23. At least two days have to pass before the next event is available.
24. Sleep in your bedroom everyday on the weekend.
25. Choose Option - "Let's play".
26. Sleep at night in your bedroom with Laura at hour 23 or hour 0.
27. If you did everything correctly you should get an achievement completion event.

Gina New walkthrough

This walkthrough made for spectre1viper mod by Kara Zor-El.
Bathroom 23:00 weekday. Do this twice. 2nd visit "Look"
Bedroom 18:00. Set cams on everyone (3000$) (not only on Gina you want to spy the pool too)
Spy on cameras after 21:00. (Lesbian scene)
Bedroom 18:00
Spy on the cams at weekend 16:00 or 19:00 "Let's see what happens next" (Outdoor sex scene with a boy)
Pool 19:00 20:00 weekend. Have wine in the inventory. "Get her drunk" -this may trigger earlier while spying on cams at 20:00-
Bedroom 18:00 with wine. "Yes I should" (Achievement Joyful Blowjob!)
Spy on the cams before 9:00
Spy on the cams after 17:00 "Continue watch"
Bedroom 18:00 With & without wine visits until loop scenes over. (5 times for each)
- With wine. "We will drink a little together" (Achievement Passion Deeper)
- Without wine. "Smile and enter". 1st option does nothing, 2nd option is neck kissing.
3rd and 4th require love above 600 (3rd scene footjob, 4rd scene 69). You need to do at least one of these scenes once.
Note: If you do with wine visit first and revieve "Achievement Passion Deeper", your next visit without wine won't trigger these options. You will see sex scene.
Pool 18:00 weekend. (without wine visit loop scenes must be over for to trigger this event)
Bathroom 7:00 if not triggers try Bedroom 8:00
Pool 19:00 weekend (Champagne over cock)
Nursery 17:00 weekday
Kitchen 19:00 weekend (handjob in car)
-If you are already sleeping with Laura: When you come back, click "Body clean" button for full charisma then immediately go to sleep with Laura. Gina will wake you up.
-If you are still sleeping in guest room: (Because of Johnny - Laura cheating route) When you decide to sleep with Laura (full charisma needed), you`ll see Gina wake up scene.
Note: Gina wakes you up scene doesn`t ruin ending routes.
Bathroom 23:00 "Wait for Lola to leave." (Bathroom sex)
As long as love is above 1000, all night visit scenes are unlocked. (For Rimjob and Anal sex scenes, love must be above 1600)
Bedroom 18:00 "Listen their conversation till end."
Bedroom 18:00 (sex scene) there is looping bug here. press 19:00 button to skip.
Bedroom 19:00 (Lola - Gina scene)"Stay and watch" "watch this show till end"
Spy on cams after 12:00 (cucumber festival)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Gina - Lola asslicking)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Gina - Lola bathroom fisting)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Photo session huge toys in pussy)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Photo session dilator)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Gina - Lola fisting)
Save game here
-Ending: "Submission to the neighbour Johnny"
Hall 10:00 - 15:00 weekday (Photo session) "Permit for Johnny..."
Weekend 10:00 be at home (Carrot photo session for Johnny)
Home 12:00 "I'll be happy to go with you."
Weekend 21:00 (Orgy Lola - Johnny - Gina - Pedro)
Spy on cams 23:00 (Johnny - Gina)
Hall 23:00 (Cuckold Gina - New Boyfriend)
Bedroom 21:00 "Follow Gina" (DP Gina)
-Ending: "Lola control"
Hall weekday 10:00 - 15:00 (Photo session) "Prohibit"
Home 12:00 - 15:00 "I'll be happy to go with you."
Weekend be at home 21:00 (threesome Gina-Lola-Pedro) -triggers also weekday sometimes-
Bedroom 23:00 (Pissing photo session) "An ordinary sex..." (Achivement Gina anal)
Bedroom 23:00 (Bondage & Pissing photo session) choose which you like
Bedroom 23:00 (Egg & Pissing photo session) choose which you like
Bedroom 23:00 (Pet girl Gina) "An ordinary sex..."
Go to the City between the hours of 10 - 15 on the weekend with a high charisma."Ask Lola work with anus"
Dining Room 19:00 during a weekday and talk with Gina (Quicky Sex, petgirl, golden shower)
-Ending: "Her loving relationship with Pedro"
Never played in this route.

Gina walkthrough

This path is quite easy but there are a lot of scenes one might skip, so here we go
23:00 in her bathroom. Do this twice. "Look"
You can check her after midnight for a few images. If you ever have a choice don't do anything at this point.
Visit her in her room at 18:00. Set cams on everyone (3000$) (not only on Gina you want to spy the pool too)
Spy on cameras after 21:00.
Visit her room at 18:00 on a weekend
Spy on the cams at 19:00 or 16:00 (weekend) "See what happens next"
Pool 20:00 weekday. Have wine in the inventory. "Get her drunk"
Her room at 18:00 with wine. "Yes i should"
Spy on the cams before 9:00
Her room, 18:00. "Smile and enter".
First option does nothing
Second option requires love above 400
Third and fourth require love above 600. You need to do at least one of these scenes once
Pool, 19:00-21:00 weekend.
Now as long as love is above 600, all night visit scenes are unlocked
Her room 18:00 with wine. "We will drink a little together"
Her room 18:00
Weekend, Pool 18:00
Gina's bathroom 7:00
Progress with Laura until you sleep in her bed
Weekend, 19:00 Kitchen. When you come back immediately go to sleep (if no scene happens here you messed up or don't have enough charisma when going to sleep. you can try again until you get it)
Nursery 17:00 weekday. the end

Laura walkthrough

Be at home on any day after day 3, at 21:00. Have 500$. "Of course, I love you" "continue tomorrow"
again. "thank you darling"
again. "today we'll start..." "enjoy blowjob"
bedroom 23:00. Sleep with the wife.
will have panties and different text below 50, between 50 and 99, and between 100 and 145.
she will agree if love is above 150, being naked. A different image is shown if you are above 200
nightclub once (20:00-23:00) "Dance" "Buy more alcohol" "Wait wife" "more alcohol"
sex with wife options at 23:00 and 6:00
have charisma above 40 or she will refuse you. (unique image here)
between 150 and 200, blowjob and cum inside her mouth.
above 200 you can cum on her face. do this 5 times and you get a bonus image.
above 300 you can have sex. Sex in the mornings and in the nights are different. There are a lot of different images (the difference is minimal you might not even notice it) the text is always the same.
if you had sex, rummage through her stuff until you find a book. wait until you are at 600 to try anal. First try should be at 23:00 it seems
anal requires 600. "Find out exactly"
giving her the double dildo requires 600 so it's a good time to do this
after that, asking for 'normal' sex at 23:00 has 33% chance to start a scene. the nightclub episode is required
first times choose "I'll go and look"
If your love is above 700 and you already had anal sex, "Go to them" . You get the first FFM scene
The next time (and afterwards too) you just join the threesome from the start
there are totally optional scenes that involve the pool. On top of being nice, they help raise love faster which is useful if you are not cheating
at 17:00. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" x2
17:00 pool again. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" "Swim with Laura" x5
21:00 pool
(similarly you can spend time with family a few times, it raises Angelica Foxy and Laura's love.)
This is optional. It will ruin some chances with Angelica, and most likely ruin your chances with Laura but since there is no ending for Laura yet... At some point you lose all Laura's love points but you can gain 200 at the end of it, so if you plan on doing this and still staying with Laura you could consider doing this first.
For the next part you need to catch the nanny on camera.
once between days 10 and 20. "Blackmail later"
once between days 25 and 35. "Blackmail later" "push harder"
on a day after that, come home between 18:00 and 20:00. You will lose all Laura's love.
[this is the bugged part you won't progress further even though next events are coded in the game].
find the nanny and talk to her.
"Try and get into her pants by all means" gives the harassment ending
"Try and scare the nanny"
home between 17:00 and 22:00 . A few choices here:
if you have 2000$ you can pay them and you'll get Laura back (200 love). no ending
every other choice gives the interracial ending
There is an optional route:.
You need to last more than 92 days and you still sleep in the guest room (no sex with Laura) (actually more since it can only happen on wekends)
For this not to fail you need to meet Caprice at Adam's house, or pass the dinner event with Foxy before day 45.
(you can do the blackmail event if you want it shouldn't conflict with this)
On saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. Be inside the home
(you can now move on Laura if you want to)
On monday two days later at home between 10:00 and 12:00. "Follow your wife"x2
saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. pool
Be at home on any day after day 3, at 21:00. Have 500$. "Of course, I love you" "continue tomorrow"
again. "thank you darling"
again. "today we'll start..." "enjoy blowjob"
bedroom 23:00. Sleep with the wife.
will have panties and different text below 50, between 50 and 99, and between 100 and 145.
she will agree if love is above 150, being naked. A different image is shown if you are above 200
nightclub once (20:00-23:00) "Dance" "Buy more alcohol" "Wait wife" "more alcohol"
sex with wife options at 23:00 and 6:00
have charisma above 40 or she will refuse you. (unique image here)
between 150 and 200, blowjob and cum inside her mouth.
above 200 you can cum on her face. do this 5 times and you get a bonus image.
above 300 you can have sex. Sex in the mornings and in the nights are different. There are a lot of different images (the difference is minimal you might not even notice it) the text is always the same.
if you had sex, rummage through her stuff until you find a book. wait until you are at 600 to try anal. First try should be at 23:00 it seems
anal requires 600. "Find out exactly"
giving her the double dildo requires 600 so it's a good time to do this
after that, asking for 'normal' sex at 23:00 has 33% chance to start a scene. the nightclub episode is required
first times choose "I'll go and look"
If your love is above 700 and you already had anal sex, "Go to them" . You get the first FFM scene
The next time (and afterwards too) you just join the threesome from the start
there are totally optional scenes that involve the pool. On top of being nice, they help raise love faster which is useful if you are not cheating
at 17:00. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" x2
17:00 pool again. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" "Swim with Laura" x5
21:00 pool
(similarly you can spend time with family a few times, it raises Angelica Foxy and Laura's love.)
This is optional. It will ruin some chances with Angelica, and most likely ruin your chances with Laura but since there is no ending for Laura yet... At some point you lose all Laura's love points but you can gain 200 at the end of it, so if you plan on doing this and still staying with Laura you could consider doing this first.
For the next part you need to catch the nanny on camera.
once between days 10 and 20. "Blackmail later"
once between days 25 and 35. "Blackmail later" "push harder"
on a day after that, come home between 18:00 and 20:00. You will lose all Laura's love.
[this is the bugged part you won't progress further even though next events are coded in the game].
find the nanny and talk to her.
"Try and get into her pants by all means" gives the harassment ending
"Try and scare the nanny"
home between 17:00 and 22:00 . A few choices here:
if you have 2000$ you can pay them and you'll get Laura back (200 love). no ending
every other choice gives the interracial ending
There is an optional route:.
You need to last more than 92 days and you still sleep in the guest room (no sex with Laura) (actually more since it can only happen on wekends)
For this not to fail you need to meet Caprice at Adam's house, or pass the dinner event with Foxy before day 45.
(you can do the blackmail event if you want it shouldn't conflict with this)
On saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. Be inside the home
(you can now move on Laura if you want to)
On monday two days later at home between 10:00 and 12:00. "Follow your wife"x2
saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. pool

Nanny walkthrough

This as previously is intended to show you how to get all the pics. Do your own path if you don't like something
First you can visit the nanny in her room after midnight, you'll get a few options. Some require love above 50, some 100 for you not to lose any love (otherwise you might go negative and have to cheat/grind back up again)
This is a prelude to the photos with Foxy but it is needed. Whenever the nanny is in the kitchen (10:00 16:00 during weekdays, i believe 7:00 11:00 on weekends but you figure it out)
Dialog with her until she asks for takeout instead of pizza. Agree. On the next visit, answer her questions.
Do that again, until you agree to take photos of her.
They will start automatically if you are home between 10:00 and 14:00.
You have three spying episodes on the camera.
Simply use the cameras in your office at the right times (might take a few tries it is 33% chance):
First one is between days 3 and 9. Do it after 19:00, and apologize in the end. Optional
Second one is between days 10 and 19. No hour requirement. You can blackmail her and will actually gain love points if you are above 100 if i remember correctly. Optional
Third one is required. Days between 25 and 34. No hour requirement. Do not blackmail her.
Now if you raise love above 400 and visit her after midnight there are new options
as for everyone, you need to pass through the wife photoshoot event, meeting the adams, go to foxy at 6:00 and peep.
Different options open from this and you need to do them all in whatever order you want
Foxy's path
Give her lingerie (you need a certain amout of love for this)
Visit her in the kitchen. "Continue". repeat 5 times
Visit her in the dining room (weekdays) at 19:00. "Do not believe". repeat
Be at home in the afternoon, then give Foxy books a few times
visit her in her room at 20:00 a LOT of times. "Nope" or "I don't know". "Teach her the profession"
Michelle's path
Visit the Adams house late in the evening three times.
Now you can visit Michelle's room or Nikki's room once every day.
you get more content if you start with Michelle then Nikki then Michelle again but no real difference here.
Visit until you trigger Nikki's event ("Buy", come back at 21:00 with fashion clothes and give her) then Michelle's ("Let her suck")
Visit Michelle again the next day "Convince her"
raise Michelle's love to 400 or above.
Go to the sports club. Enter the main building. "Continue talking"x2, "Sure"
Sports club at 20:00 go outside, back at sports club and outside again, visit Michelle (20:00 or 21:00) (i believe you need to have spied on nanny with her boyfriend for this) "Convince" "Let Patrick take the blindfold off" "Not interested in Michelle"
Sports club at 20:00, go outside, visit Michelle (20:00 or 21:00)
Have the big dildo in the inventory. Visit the nanny after midnight.
Visit her in the hall (TV room) at 11:00. Enough for today
again hall, 11:00. Always select the option about Foxy. repeat 4 times
Go to foxy's room, take back the books and give them to the nanny
hall, 15:00. "Assistant" "You'll be able to manage"
hall 15:00. Repeat two times
Nanny's room, 20:00
Hall 11:00. "Ask her"
Hall 15:00
Visit her after midnight, with big dildo in inventory. Love above 1000 required
Hall 15:00. Repeat twince
Visit after midnight, you have a few options to play with. Don't do the next step until you've done all you want in this one
Go to the pool between 11:00 and 13:00.
Have Foxy's love above 600. Hall 15:00
Nanny's room after midnight. First two options are only for image/story, the three next choices are for endings.

Tamara Fuck Toy path - spectre1viper

Tamara "Fuck Toy" path (exclusive to spectre1viper mod)
Requirements to start this path - Important!!!:
1. Fully complete Foxy's new "nymphomaniac" path (walkthrough available)
Take your time and don't rush through this path. The dialog and storytelling
are very important to help you enjoy the new content and understand what is going on!
Tamara's path is a lot of fun if you read through it and take the time to enjoy
the humor and youthful surprises!
1. Go to your office and call Tamara asking for sex (booty call). There are
four events available in the Guest Room. The anal event requires a week
to pass in order to give Tamara time to expand her ass using the dildo and
anal plug you gave her. Once you complete all three events in the Guest
room a fourth Guest room event will unlock (FMM). Once you complete the
FMM event, the next section will unlock. Note: You have to go to the
agreed upon room in order for the sex event to start!
2. Go to your office and call Tamara asking for sex (booty call). There are
two events available in the Kitchen. Once you complete both of these events
the next section will unlock.
3. Go to your office and call Tamara asking for sex (booty call). There are
three events available in the Lounge (downstairs Hall). Once you complete
all three of these events the phone sex portion of Tamara's path will be
4. Sleep at night with Laura at hour 23 or hour 0. You should get an
achievement completion event if you completed steps 1 - 3.
5. Be downstairs in your home (not in any room) between the hours of 12 - 19
on a weekday (Monday - Friday) with at least $1000 in the bank.
6. Choose Option - "Question Foxy" - Agree to help them.
7. Go to Foxy's bedroom at midnight (hour 0) as agreed upon.
8. Sleep Saturday night with Laura in your bed at hour 23 or hour 0. If an event
doesn't trigger then go downstairs in your house between hours 6 - 8.
9. Supervise Tamara's Bachelorette party which starts at hour 16 on Sunday.
Visit the various unlocked rooms in your house to unlock party sex events.
1 - Foxy's room, 1 - Dining room, 1 - Gina's room, 1 - Guest room, 1 - your Bathroom,
1 - Kitchen, 1 - Gina's Bathroom, 1 - your Bedroom, 3 - Pool, 3 - Lounge.
Not all rooms will have events at all hours. Check all the rooms often!
The party ends at midnight. Save your game at several different points
during the party (using different save game names) in case you need to go back
and complete something you missed.
10. Go to sleep in your bed at hour 0. You should get two achievement completion
events if you found all the party sex events and participated in all of them.
One completion event is for completing Tamara's Bachelorette party (had sex with
Tamara and her bridesmaids). The other is for finding and completing all of the
party sex events. You may have to sleep two nights in a row for both achievement
completion events to trigger when you go to sleep.
11. Go to sleep with Laura at hour 23 or hour 0 at least three days a week for up
to two weeks. You should see three total events after you go to sleep with
information about Laura. Two of these events may occur during the Tamara
phone sex events. The last event will talk about you deciding to follow her
the next time she leaves after dinner.
12. Be in your home on Friday after deciding to follow Laura (downstairs, not in
any room) and eat dinner with your family at hour 19 in the dining room.
13. After dinner (hour 20), follow Laura in your car and see where she is going.
14. Be persistent and find a way into the club (don't go home or leave).
15. Do everything you are told by the club owner and follow ALL of his instructions
(major spoilers if I tell you more than this). Read everything you are told very
closely and try to understand where he is coming from. Fast clickers will miss
out on a lot of the story and won't understand what is going on.
16. Drive home, ending up back at your house and go to sleep. You should get an
achievement completion event that night or the next night you sleep.
Tamara's main path is complete, however I added an extension to it to finish up the story
and answer a lot of questions about Laura's and Pedro's relationship.
17. Ask Laura for sex.
18. Choose Options - "Talk with Laura", "Yes, girl! Come to me!", "Sweet loving wife",
"I understand", "Got it!"
19. A surprise event will occur if you responded lovingly to Laura and were apologetic.
20. You have to be a model husband and make sure the house is clean and spend time
with Dexter and take care of him. This will unlock a new event in your office.
Requirements to continue this path:
a. Patched your relationship with her fully (in love again)
b. Sleeping with Laura in your bedroom
c. Must have the option to have anal sex with her (before #13 occurred)
d. Minimum relationship of 2000 with Laura
e. Pool clean
f. House clean
g. Play with Dexter
h. Nurse/Feed/Take care of Dexter
21. "Post I'm lonely" on Twitter in your office. Laura has nine girlfriends that
will service your sexual needs. Complete all nine sex events (don't back out or
decline any of them or it will end all the events). Only one event is available per day.
If the "Post I'm lonely" on Twitter events aren't available for some reason then you
need to pay attention to the "Laura" requirements above or go to bed and start a new
day. The final event is the girlfriend with the ex-husband. These events are a lot
of fun, so take your time and enjoy them! None of them are repeatable.
22. Go to sleep at night to trigger an achievement completion event.
23. Go downstairs in your home anytime of the day after hour 6 to have an encounter with
your wife Laura. Have fun!
I hope you enjoyed Tamara's new path! I had a lot of fun writing the story and coding it!
Spectre1viper Mod есть - это 10+ гигов видео к игре с теми же актрисами, ну, и доп сюжет вроде, не помню точно, давно проходил. Если интересно кому, залью куда-нибудь.



Прохождение, которое когда-то сохранил. Берегу сей реликт тоже)

Caprice walkthrough - different author

1. Wife Photoshoot event. (at home @21:00 after day 3)
2. Pool @21:00 saturday
3. Visit the Adams 3 different days between 17:00 and 22:00
4. Bonus event can be done any time before 1600: Second floor in the house, @17:00 or 19:00 weekend. Event is not required, choices don't make any difference outside from pictures
5. Sports Center: Group sessions x 10 until you meet Caprice. Do yoga//Help her
!!Starting from now, you cannot forget about her for more than 7 days or it all stops!!
!!All events are at Madisons house unless stated otherwise!!
6. @21:00.
Give her a lift
7. @21:00.Different day
Give her a lift
8. @21:00 with a dress in the inventory.Different day
Give her a lift
9. @21:00 on a different day. love>=100
Do some more yoga.
Of course i will
10. @17:00. love>=30 fashion=100 dress in inventory
Propose to walk around town
(events 12 and 13 should allow this choice too but this is needed for event 11 which is required for event 37 so let's clear this)
11. @22:00 on a day you did nothing with her
Propose to walk around town
12. @19:00 dress in the inventory. fashion=100 love>=30
Try to move
!! From now on any visit requires fashion=100, relation>=200 and charisma>=40!!
13. @17:00 lingerie in inventory.
14. @19:00 lingerie in inventory.
15. @17:00 lingerie in inventory.
16. @19:00 lingerie in inventory.
!!now the charisma requirement is 60!!
17. @17:00 or 19:00. lingerie in inventory.
Two choices of photoshoots. (save and do again if you want to see all). No difference on later events
18. @19:00 lingerie in inventory.
Conduct a photoshoot
19. @17:00 lingerie in inventory.
Continue photoshoot to see more but no impact on later events
!!By this time event 4 should be done or it won't be available anymore!!
!!REQ now requires charisma>=70!!
20. @19:00
21. @17:00
I will take photos of you only at home
if you want to check the photoshoot event, accept the photoshoot but you will encounter a dead end with Caprice
22. @19:00
I will take photos of you only at home
23. @17:00
I will take photos of you only at home
!!charisma requirement is now 80!!
!!the yoga event series can be started after event 13 without disrupting 14-23!!
24. @21:00.
repeat 6 times
25. @21:00.
(((if you did this event series before 14-23 go complete that now and just wait for her or leave))).
Look for her
26. no requirements. be at home @10:00. you get a call.
Go to the studio before 18:00.
Show caprice's photos to him
27. @21:00.
Look for her.
Tell Caprice.
I'll tell her everything.
Don't seduce her.
28. Go back to the studio between 10:00 and 18:00.
Show him Caprice's photos (you can select the other choice to watch Olivia but it's a dead end)
29. @17:00 or 19:00 Have the big dildo in inventory
Gift her the vibrator
I must finish the job
!!By now you should have taken her out to walk in the city (event 11)!!
30. @21:00.
Wait for her
!!there is no minimum value to love requirement anymore. charisma and fashion still apply!!
31. @17:00 or 19:00
Do not fuck her. Other choices only differ in images
!!if you chose to fuck her, wait 5 days then go to the Sports center. She will cheat on you. the end!!
32. @21:00 different day.
Continue blowjob.
Promise to come tomorrow
(DO NOT fail to keep the promise or the event series fails)
33. @17:00 or 19:00 NEXT day.
34. Go to Sports Complex.
Refuse the offer.
(Accepting the offer gives 3 choices that only impact on Foxy and are a dead end with Caprice)
35. @22:00.
!!Requirements now include handsomeness>=80!!
36. @17:00 different day
37. @21:00 different day. 300$ required
Go to the restaurant
38. @17:00 different day.
39. @19:00 different day.
!!No more requirements!!
40. @17:00 or 19:00 or 21:00 or 22:00. different day
Repeat this 5times
You can end the game or repeat and cycle through all the images.
You might even be able to forget about her for more than a week at this point (she will be mad but no impact)

Caprice walkthrough

Visit your pool at 21:00 on Saturday to meet your neighbors, the Adams
Then, visit the Adam's house between 17:00 and 23:00.
A subsequent day, visit again in the same time frame.
Again, a subsequent day do the same. You have now met your other neighbors, the Madison family.
First Caprice event - Now visit your "Hall" on a Saturday or Sunday between 19:00 and 22:00, and choose "Talk to Caprice about it".
At the end choose "Agree to Try"
Now for the rest -
Main Caprice series:
-Buy a Sport Complex subscription.
-Do Main Hall sessions until you meet Angelica, and hire Patrick as a personal trainer.
-Do Group Sessions until you meet Caprice (will take several). Choose "I'll take some Yoga classes".
-Choose "Help Her"
-Visit the Madison house at 21:00
Now things get a little complicated, for now choose "Give her a lift"
-Buy a Dress at the mall
-Visit the Madison house at 21:00 and gift the dress to Caprice.
-Buy another dress, and visit at 21:00 the next day.
-Continue your daily visits at 21:00 with a dress in your inventory, and choose the "give a lift" option.
-Eventually she'll do a lingerie show for you. Choose "do more yoga" and give her another lift to the club.
Photography subseries
-After this, visit her at 17:00 or 19:00 with a dress in your inventory. This series is repeated a couple times.
-Eventually, when given the option, choose "Try to move on in the relationships with Caprice"
-Buy some "sexy Underwear" at the mall, and visit her the next day at 17. Choose "I will come back again today"
-Buy another sexy underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. When given the option, choose "Talk"
-buy more underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. Choose "show me everything".
-buy more underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. Choose "lets go to the room"
-buy more underwear and again visit at 17 or 19. Save here, and choose whichever option you prefer (both have separate events)
Now continue to visit at 17 and/or 19. Each time slot has a different event, 17 being underwear, 19 being dresses (which usually get removed).
-After a few of either modeling, you get the option to choose between photographing her at home, or the studio.
-The "studio" option pisses her off and blocks off all further contact.
-The "home" option has one additional photoshoot before offering the choice between home and studio again. Home has nothing additional, and studio locks off further events. Choose "home" and get back to the main quest line.
Back to main: (locked off if you do the "studio" choice)
-Continue to visit at 21:00 for naked yoga.
-Eventually you convincer her masturbating is a great way to relax. Afterwards, choose "Look for her" and "peep" (Peep will only appear as an option if you have done at least 3 modeling sessions with her)
-Be at home between 10 and 14. When you get the call, head to the Studio in town.
You have the choice between showing Caprice's photos to the director. The boss line is currently dead ended, so choose "Show Caprice's photos to him"
-visit her again at 21:00 and choose "look for her"
-Tell Caprice you watched her in the bath previously.
-Tell her everything.
-Don't seduce her.
-Head to the Studio between 10 and 18, choose to "Show him Caprice's photos".
-Buy a "Large vibrator" at the mall
-Visit Caprice at 17 or 19
-"Gift her the vibrator..."
-"I must finish the job..."
-Visit her at 21:00 and choose "Wait for her"
-Visit her at 17 or 19
-At this point you have a choice. Save here. If you fuck her here, you get one more follow up event at the Sports Complex a following day, then dead end.
-Choose either continue the blow job or go home, either one.
-Visit her at 21:00, choose "Continue the blowjob"
-"Promise to come tomorrow"
-Visit her the next day at 17 or 19
-Visit her the next day at 21:00
-The next day visit the sports complex and make a choice: To share or not.

Foxy walkthrough

1.(totally optional): visit at 20:00 in her room. There is a 33% chance you'll cuddle her. If it doesn't just don't talk, walk out and come back in. This scene has to trigger 3 times for you to see all the images and text
2. (totally optional) visit at 8:00 in her room. Same as above no need to talk so you can try until it triggers. She will ask you to take her to the nightclub. Agree, and be at home at 21:00. There are three choices with different pictures but nothing noteworthy
3. Be at your pool on saturday at 21:00. You get to meet the Adams. Tell him you need to love your family
4. Go to Foxy's room at 6:00. Peep on her
5. Go to the kitchen at 16:00. Choose "Continue". Repeat until she kisses you
6. Give her massage oil (love required above 100) and lingerie (above 200)
7. If you gave her the oil you visit her in her room at 20:00. Choose "continue tomorrow". Repeat until no more scenes appear
8. If you gave the lingerie, visit her in the dining room at 19:00. Choose "do not believe" (7 and 8 can be done at the same time). Repeat until she flashes her boobs.
9. Give her lingerie again, with love above 400, look=100 and handsomeness>=60, after the massage event is over.
10. be at home between 12:00 and 17:00. Charisma>=60 required
11. Give her books 5 times.
12. Visit her room at 20:00 beauty and fashion required. Repeat until given a choice: select "Nope" or "I don't know"
13. Visit her in her bathroom at 23:00 . Feel her up
14. Visit her in the dining room at 19:00 during the week. Play with Foxy. Continue
15. Visit the nanny's room at 20:00
16. Be at home between 15:00 and 20:00. You will be asked to allow or forbid her to bring friends home.
o If you allow, rather than making an extensive guide, just do this no matter what you chose:
§ spy on cams at 20:00. check the second spoiler on how to activate spying on Foxy
§ if nothing triggers, visit her at 19:00 in the dinner.
§ if there is nothing yet, visit her at 20:00 in her room.
§ if this still fails, be home in the afternoon (i'd say between 12 and 15)
§ if this is not enough, spy at these hours.
§ if she rightfully insists that this is all wrong, tell her to keep doing it nonetheless.
§ repeat
o When you have choices, let the other guys take the photos (with you it is a dead end)
o If Foxy hesitates about going further, tell her to continue obeying them (father of the year award...)
o For all the scenes, choose Michael one time, and don't choose the second time.
17. Let's assume you forbade her from bringing boys. Visit her room at 20:00 a few times. "I'll take the pictures myself"
18. Visit her room at 20:00 a few times yet again
19. Visit at 8:00. Cheer her up
20. Visit her in the dining room at 19:00 during the week
21. Go to her room when she is not there, search through her stuff.
22. You now have the option to "Teach her" when you are in the pool at 15:00, in the dining room at 19:00 or in the bathroom at 23:00
o In the pool you only have one image. Dining room has three options with three different images. Bathroom one scene.
o You have a 50% chance someone will walk by and nothing happens
o You should first let her watch the DVDs, always watch with her and lick her if you want all the scenes.
o Repeat until the dialog changes: Teach her to masturbate only once. Save and teach her again to masturbate for an exclusive scene but a dead end
o Now teach her to suck, until you give her an exam
o Be at your office at 23:00 or 24:00. If last session was in the bathroom you might want to skip a few days and maybe talk to her during teachable hours
o Teach again... the last 2 scenes require love above 1500
23. wait a couple of days, and wake up at 6:00
24. be at home at 16:00
25. visit her in her room at 20:00. Ask about virginity
26. Spycam on foxy (check the second spoiler on how to activate the cams for Foxy) between 15:00 and 22:00
27. be at home at 20:00, with the vaginal opener bought, and love above 2000
28. wake up at 6:00
29. If you haven't given her the dildo at this point, do it. Visit her two times at 20:00
30. wake up at 6:00 during the weekend
31. go to the Hall, on a saturday at 22:00
0. You can choose to ask him what he is doing here.
§ Go to Foxy's room at 20:00, repeat a few times and you get the ending.
1. Or Apologize
32. Let's assume you apologized. Be at home at 15:00
33. Go to the hall between 11:00 and 14:00. Agree
34. Be at home at 15:00. Talk to Johnny. Accept the proposition
35. Be at home at 15:00 a few times until you are given a choice. Save and choose "I can if you insist" for an exclusive scene but a dead end. Choose "I'll do it at my pace"
36. Home, 14:00. Peep
37. Home, 15:00. Peep
38. Home, 15:00. Repeat a few times. End of current content
to be able to spy on foxy, you need to
1. Visit Gina in her bathroom at 23:00 a couple of times
2. Visit Gina at 18:00 in her room. High stats might be necessary. Choose Foxy or Everywhere depending on your preferences
Updated walkthrough (how to continue on in the newer versions of the game and to get to Foxy's new "nymphomaniac" path added by the spectre1viper mod (separate walkthrough)):
Events that you must complete (events may not be in order so try all of the below frequently!):
Neighbor Keiran visit
- Let Foxy decide
- Wait outside for 30 minutes
Be downstairs in your home at hour 15 (four different times total)
View the cameras in your office several times at hour 20 until there aren't any more events (do this throughout the week)
Talk with Foxy (several times in her bedroom at hour 20)
- Yes, talk to her again
- Confess that I saw her escapades with her girlfriends or teacher
View the cameras in your office several times at hour 20 until there aren't any more events (do this throughout the week)
You have to talk with Foxy a few times between a couple of the camera events at hour 20 (two times total I believe)

Foxy's Nymphomaniac path - spectre1viper

Foxy's "nymphomaniac" path (exclusive to spectre1viper mod)
Requirements to start this path - Important!!!:
1. Complete most of Laura's path
a. Patched your relationship with her fully (in love again)
b. Sleeping with Laura in your bedroom
c. Must have the option to have anal sex with her
d. Minimum relationship of 2000 with Laura
2. Complete most of Foxy's path
a. Must have fucked Foxy's third girlfriend from this event from the original game
"After our last threesome I talked to my daughter and I agreed with her that she
would help me to fuck her third girlfriend who she had sex with already, but whose
pussy I hadn’t tasted yet." - 'Girlfriends' variable in the cheat menu under Events
for Foxy must be at least 8.
b. Minimum relationship of 1500 with Foxy to start sex events, 2500 relationship
to start group sex events
c. Strength of 90
d. Charisma of 70
3. 36 days have had to pass in-game since you started playing this play through
(total days). NumDay has to be greater than 35 (variable listed on the cheat menu).
Note: Many of the above steps are also required for many of the steps below. This is
especially true for the relationship, strength, and charm requirements.
Cheat: For those who have already played the game several times and just wish to experience
this new path, or for those who are really stuck and can't get to this point, there
is a command that you can type into the spectre1viper command injector:
FoxyNewPathStart = 1 This will fulfill all requirements to start this walkthrough.
I don't recommend using it unless you have to. Don't use it if you are already
part way through this path as it will reset you back to the beginning of this
Walkthrough - Foxy's sex events (Pedro with Foxy)
1. Complete all three Foxy sex events in Foxy's bedroom at hours 8 or 17 - random chance
of event triggering, keep trying until event triggers, can only do one event per day.
2. Complete all three Foxy sex events in the Lounge (downstairs Hall) at hours 6 - 10 on
weekdays (Monday - Friday) or hours 6 - 8 and hours 11 - 16 on the weekend
(Saturday or Sunday) - random chance of event triggering, keep trying until event
triggers, can only do one event per day.
3. Complete all six Foxy dialog sex events, "Ask Foxy for sex" dialog option.
Can do this any time of the day or week, just find Foxy in your home and talk with her.
Can only ask Foxy for sex once per day.
4. If you did steps 1 - 3 correctly, sleep with Laura at night at hour 23 or 0 and you
should trigger an achievement completion event stating that you've completed all of
Foxy's sex events. If this doesn't trigger, then you missed one or more sex events
in steps 1 - 3.
Walkthrough - Foxy's group sex events (FFM and FFMM)
A minimum of one day has to pass before the next event can occur! You cannot have more
than one group sex event trigger per day. Sleep at night to advance the time.
You can also use the cheat menu to advance time but you need to sleep several days
per week for proper game function. This applies to all the events below!
Minimum relationship of 2500 required with Foxy to start her group sex events.
5. Visit the Lounge (downstairs Hall) at hours 0 - 2 or hours 14 - 16 on the weekend
(Saturday or Sunday) - random chance of event triggering, keep trying until event
6. Choose Option - "Sit down and join them".
7. At least five days have to pass before the next event is available.
8. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 8 - 19 on a weekday.
9. Choose Option - "Thank you Foxy, count me in".
10. Visit the Lounge (downstairs Hall) at hours 0 - 2 on the weekend as agreed upon.
11. Choose Option - "Sit down and join them".
12. At least two days have to pass before the next event is available.
13. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 8 - 19 on a weekday.
14. Choose Option - "Apologize sincerely".
15. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 14 - 16 on the weekend.
16. Choose Options - "Go with Sven to the shower" and "Put your dick in Eva's face".
17. At least three days have to pass before the next event is available.
18. Be in your home downstairs (not in any room) between the hours of 10 - 18 on a weekday.
19. Choose Option - "Tell Foxy that you'll be right there".
20. Visit the lounge immediately as agreed upon.
21. Visit Foxy's bedroom between the hours of 17 - 20.
22. Choose Options - "Investigate further" and "Enter Foxy's room".
23. At least two days have to pass before the next event is available.
24. Sleep in your bedroom everyday on the weekend.
25. Choose Option - "Let's play".
26. Sleep at night in your bedroom with Laura at hour 23 or hour 0.
27. If you did everything correctly you should get an achievement completion event.

Gina New walkthrough

This walkthrough made for spectre1viper mod by Kara Zor-El.
Bathroom 23:00 weekday. Do this twice. 2nd visit "Look"
Bedroom 18:00. Set cams on everyone (3000$) (not only on Gina you want to spy the pool too)
Spy on cameras after 21:00. (Lesbian scene)
Bedroom 18:00
Spy on the cams at weekend 16:00 or 19:00 "Let's see what happens next" (Outdoor sex scene with a boy)
Pool 19:00 20:00 weekend. Have wine in the inventory. "Get her drunk" -this may trigger earlier while spying on cams at 20:00-
Bedroom 18:00 with wine. "Yes I should" (Achievement Joyful Blowjob!)
Spy on the cams before 9:00
Spy on the cams after 17:00 "Continue watch"
Bedroom 18:00 With & without wine visits until loop scenes over. (5 times for each)
- With wine. "We will drink a little together" (Achievement Passion Deeper)
- Without wine. "Smile and enter". 1st option does nothing, 2nd option is neck kissing.
3rd and 4th require love above 600 (3rd scene footjob, 4rd scene 69). You need to do at least one of these scenes once.
Note: If you do with wine visit first and revieve "Achievement Passion Deeper", your next visit without wine won't trigger these options. You will see sex scene.
Pool 18:00 weekend. (without wine visit loop scenes must be over for to trigger this event)
Bathroom 7:00 if not triggers try Bedroom 8:00
Pool 19:00 weekend (Champagne over cock)
Nursery 17:00 weekday
Kitchen 19:00 weekend (handjob in car)
-If you are already sleeping with Laura: When you come back, click "Body clean" button for full charisma then immediately go to sleep with Laura. Gina will wake you up.
-If you are still sleeping in guest room: (Because of Johnny - Laura cheating route) When you decide to sleep with Laura (full charisma needed), you`ll see Gina wake up scene.
Note: Gina wakes you up scene doesn`t ruin ending routes.
Bathroom 23:00 "Wait for Lola to leave." (Bathroom sex)
As long as love is above 1000, all night visit scenes are unlocked. (For Rimjob and Anal sex scenes, love must be above 1600)
Bedroom 18:00 "Listen their conversation till end."
Bedroom 18:00 (sex scene) there is looping bug here. press 19:00 button to skip.
Bedroom 19:00 (Lola - Gina scene)"Stay and watch" "watch this show till end"
Spy on cams after 12:00 (cucumber festival)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Gina - Lola asslicking)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Gina - Lola bathroom fisting)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Photo session huge toys in pussy)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Photo session dilator)
Spy on cams after 12:00 (Gina - Lola fisting)
Save game here
-Ending: "Submission to the neighbour Johnny"
Hall 10:00 - 15:00 weekday (Photo session) "Permit for Johnny..."
Weekend 10:00 be at home (Carrot photo session for Johnny)
Home 12:00 "I'll be happy to go with you."
Weekend 21:00 (Orgy Lola - Johnny - Gina - Pedro)
Spy on cams 23:00 (Johnny - Gina)
Hall 23:00 (Cuckold Gina - New Boyfriend)
Bedroom 21:00 "Follow Gina" (DP Gina)
-Ending: "Lola control"
Hall weekday 10:00 - 15:00 (Photo session) "Prohibit"
Home 12:00 - 15:00 "I'll be happy to go with you."
Weekend be at home 21:00 (threesome Gina-Lola-Pedro) -triggers also weekday sometimes-
Bedroom 23:00 (Pissing photo session) "An ordinary sex..." (Achivement Gina anal)
Bedroom 23:00 (Bondage & Pissing photo session) choose which you like
Bedroom 23:00 (Egg & Pissing photo session) choose which you like
Bedroom 23:00 (Pet girl Gina) "An ordinary sex..."
Go to the City between the hours of 10 - 15 on the weekend with a high charisma."Ask Lola work with anus"
Dining Room 19:00 during a weekday and talk with Gina (Quicky Sex, petgirl, golden shower)
-Ending: "Her loving relationship with Pedro"
Never played in this route.

Gina walkthrough

This path is quite easy but there are a lot of scenes one might skip, so here we go
23:00 in her bathroom. Do this twice. "Look"
You can check her after midnight for a few images. If you ever have a choice don't do anything at this point.
Visit her in her room at 18:00. Set cams on everyone (3000$) (not only on Gina you want to spy the pool too)
Spy on cameras after 21:00.
Visit her room at 18:00 on a weekend
Spy on the cams at 19:00 or 16:00 (weekend) "See what happens next"
Pool 20:00 weekday. Have wine in the inventory. "Get her drunk"
Her room at 18:00 with wine. "Yes i should"
Spy on the cams before 9:00
Her room, 18:00. "Smile and enter".
First option does nothing
Second option requires love above 400
Third and fourth require love above 600. You need to do at least one of these scenes once
Pool, 19:00-21:00 weekend.
Now as long as love is above 600, all night visit scenes are unlocked
Her room 18:00 with wine. "We will drink a little together"
Her room 18:00
Weekend, Pool 18:00
Gina's bathroom 7:00
Progress with Laura until you sleep in her bed
Weekend, 19:00 Kitchen. When you come back immediately go to sleep (if no scene happens here you messed up or don't have enough charisma when going to sleep. you can try again until you get it)
Nursery 17:00 weekday. the end

Laura walkthrough

Be at home on any day after day 3, at 21:00. Have 500$. "Of course, I love you" "continue tomorrow"
again. "thank you darling"
again. "today we'll start..." "enjoy blowjob"
bedroom 23:00. Sleep with the wife.
will have panties and different text below 50, between 50 and 99, and between 100 and 145.
she will agree if love is above 150, being naked. A different image is shown if you are above 200
nightclub once (20:00-23:00) "Dance" "Buy more alcohol" "Wait wife" "more alcohol"
sex with wife options at 23:00 and 6:00
have charisma above 40 or she will refuse you. (unique image here)
between 150 and 200, blowjob and cum inside her mouth.
above 200 you can cum on her face. do this 5 times and you get a bonus image.
above 300 you can have sex. Sex in the mornings and in the nights are different. There are a lot of different images (the difference is minimal you might not even notice it) the text is always the same.
if you had sex, rummage through her stuff until you find a book. wait until you are at 600 to try anal. First try should be at 23:00 it seems
anal requires 600. "Find out exactly"
giving her the double dildo requires 600 so it's a good time to do this
after that, asking for 'normal' sex at 23:00 has 33% chance to start a scene. the nightclub episode is required
first times choose "I'll go and look"
If your love is above 700 and you already had anal sex, "Go to them" . You get the first FFM scene
The next time (and afterwards too) you just join the threesome from the start
there are totally optional scenes that involve the pool. On top of being nice, they help raise love faster which is useful if you are not cheating
at 17:00. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" x2
17:00 pool again. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" "Swim with Laura" x5
21:00 pool
(similarly you can spend time with family a few times, it raises Angelica Foxy and Laura's love.)
This is optional. It will ruin some chances with Angelica, and most likely ruin your chances with Laura but since there is no ending for Laura yet... At some point you lose all Laura's love points but you can gain 200 at the end of it, so if you plan on doing this and still staying with Laura you could consider doing this first.
For the next part you need to catch the nanny on camera.
once between days 10 and 20. "Blackmail later"
once between days 25 and 35. "Blackmail later" "push harder"
on a day after that, come home between 18:00 and 20:00. You will lose all Laura's love.
[this is the bugged part you won't progress further even though next events are coded in the game].
find the nanny and talk to her.
"Try and get into her pants by all means" gives the harassment ending
"Try and scare the nanny"
home between 17:00 and 22:00 . A few choices here:
if you have 2000$ you can pay them and you'll get Laura back (200 love). no ending
every other choice gives the interracial ending
There is an optional route:.
You need to last more than 92 days and you still sleep in the guest room (no sex with Laura) (actually more since it can only happen on wekends)
For this not to fail you need to meet Caprice at Adam's house, or pass the dinner event with Foxy before day 45.
(you can do the blackmail event if you want it shouldn't conflict with this)
On saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. Be inside the home
(you can now move on Laura if you want to)
On monday two days later at home between 10:00 and 12:00. "Follow your wife"x2
saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. pool
Be at home on any day after day 3, at 21:00. Have 500$. "Of course, I love you" "continue tomorrow"
again. "thank you darling"
again. "today we'll start..." "enjoy blowjob"
bedroom 23:00. Sleep with the wife.
will have panties and different text below 50, between 50 and 99, and between 100 and 145.
she will agree if love is above 150, being naked. A different image is shown if you are above 200
nightclub once (20:00-23:00) "Dance" "Buy more alcohol" "Wait wife" "more alcohol"
sex with wife options at 23:00 and 6:00
have charisma above 40 or she will refuse you. (unique image here)
between 150 and 200, blowjob and cum inside her mouth.
above 200 you can cum on her face. do this 5 times and you get a bonus image.
above 300 you can have sex. Sex in the mornings and in the nights are different. There are a lot of different images (the difference is minimal you might not even notice it) the text is always the same.
if you had sex, rummage through her stuff until you find a book. wait until you are at 600 to try anal. First try should be at 23:00 it seems
anal requires 600. "Find out exactly"
giving her the double dildo requires 600 so it's a good time to do this
after that, asking for 'normal' sex at 23:00 has 33% chance to start a scene. the nightclub episode is required
first times choose "I'll go and look"
If your love is above 700 and you already had anal sex, "Go to them" . You get the first FFM scene
The next time (and afterwards too) you just join the threesome from the start
there are totally optional scenes that involve the pool. On top of being nice, they help raise love faster which is useful if you are not cheating
at 17:00. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" x2
17:00 pool again. "Next" "Spend time with Laura" "Swim with Laura" x5
21:00 pool
(similarly you can spend time with family a few times, it raises Angelica Foxy and Laura's love.)
This is optional. It will ruin some chances with Angelica, and most likely ruin your chances with Laura but since there is no ending for Laura yet... At some point you lose all Laura's love points but you can gain 200 at the end of it, so if you plan on doing this and still staying with Laura you could consider doing this first.
For the next part you need to catch the nanny on camera.
once between days 10 and 20. "Blackmail later"
once between days 25 and 35. "Blackmail later" "push harder"
on a day after that, come home between 18:00 and 20:00. You will lose all Laura's love.
[this is the bugged part you won't progress further even though next events are coded in the game].
find the nanny and talk to her.
"Try and get into her pants by all means" gives the harassment ending
"Try and scare the nanny"
home between 17:00 and 22:00 . A few choices here:
if you have 2000$ you can pay them and you'll get Laura back (200 love). no ending
every other choice gives the interracial ending
There is an optional route:.
You need to last more than 92 days and you still sleep in the guest room (no sex with Laura) (actually more since it can only happen on wekends)
For this not to fail you need to meet Caprice at Adam's house, or pass the dinner event with Foxy before day 45.
(you can do the blackmail event if you want it shouldn't conflict with this)
On saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. Be inside the home
(you can now move on Laura if you want to)
On monday two days later at home between 10:00 and 12:00. "Follow your wife"x2
saturday between 21:00 and 22:00. pool

Nanny walkthrough

This as previously is intended to show you how to get all the pics. Do your own path if you don't like something
First you can visit the nanny in her room after midnight, you'll get a few options. Some require love above 50, some 100 for you not to lose any love (otherwise you might go negative and have to cheat/grind back up again)
This is a prelude to the photos with Foxy but it is needed. Whenever the nanny is in the kitchen (10:00 16:00 during weekdays, i believe 7:00 11:00 on weekends but you figure it out)
Dialog with her until she asks for takeout instead of pizza. Agree. On the next visit, answer her questions.
Do that again, until you agree to take photos of her.
They will start automatically if you are home between 10:00 and 14:00.
You have three spying episodes on the camera.
Simply use the cameras in your office at the right times (might take a few tries it is 33% chance):
First one is between days 3 and 9. Do it after 19:00, and apologize in the end. Optional
Second one is between days 10 and 19. No hour requirement. You can blackmail her and will actually gain love points if you are above 100 if i remember correctly. Optional
Third one is required. Days between 25 and 34. No hour requirement. Do not blackmail her.
Now if you raise love above 400 and visit her after midnight there are new options
as for everyone, you need to pass through the wife photoshoot event, meeting the adams, go to foxy at 6:00 and peep.
Different options open from this and you need to do them all in whatever order you want
Foxy's path
Give her lingerie (you need a certain amout of love for this)
Visit her in the kitchen. "Continue". repeat 5 times
Visit her in the dining room (weekdays) at 19:00. "Do not believe". repeat
Be at home in the afternoon, then give Foxy books a few times
visit her in her room at 20:00 a LOT of times. "Nope" or "I don't know". "Teach her the profession"
Michelle's path
Visit the Adams house late in the evening three times.
Now you can visit Michelle's room or Nikki's room once every day.
you get more content if you start with Michelle then Nikki then Michelle again but no real difference here.
Visit until you trigger Nikki's event ("Buy", come back at 21:00 with fashion clothes and give her) then Michelle's ("Let her suck")
Visit Michelle again the next day "Convince her"
raise Michelle's love to 400 or above.
Go to the sports club. Enter the main building. "Continue talking"x2, "Sure"
Sports club at 20:00 go outside, back at sports club and outside again, visit Michelle (20:00 or 21:00) (i believe you need to have spied on nanny with her boyfriend for this) "Convince" "Let Patrick take the blindfold off" "Not interested in Michelle"
Sports club at 20:00, go outside, visit Michelle (20:00 or 21:00)
Have the big dildo in the inventory. Visit the nanny after midnight.
Visit her in the hall (TV room) at 11:00. Enough for today
again hall, 11:00. Always select the option about Foxy. repeat 4 times
Go to foxy's room, take back the books and give them to the nanny
hall, 15:00. "Assistant" "You'll be able to manage"
hall 15:00. Repeat two times
Nanny's room, 20:00
Hall 11:00. "Ask her"
Hall 15:00
Visit her after midnight, with big dildo in inventory. Love above 1000 required
Hall 15:00. Repeat twince
Visit after midnight, you have a few options to play with. Don't do the next step until you've done all you want in this one
Go to the pool between 11:00 and 13:00.
Have Foxy's love above 600. Hall 15:00
Nanny's room after midnight. First two options are only for image/story, the three next choices are for endings.

Tamara Fuck Toy path - spectre1viper

Tamara "Fuck Toy" path (exclusive to spectre1viper mod)
Requirements to start this path - Important!!!:
1. Fully complete Foxy's new "nymphomaniac" path (walkthrough available)
Take your time and don't rush through this path. The dialog and storytelling
are very important to help you enjoy the new content and understand what is going on!
Tamara's path is a lot of fun if you read through it and take the time to enjoy
the humor and youthful surprises!
1. Go to your office and call Tamara asking for sex (booty call). There are
four events available in the Guest Room. The anal event requires a week
to pass in order to give Tamara time to expand her ass using the dildo and
anal plug you gave her. Once you complete all three events in the Guest
room a fourth Guest room event will unlock (FMM). Once you complete the
FMM event, the next section will unlock. Note: You have to go to the
agreed upon room in order for the sex event to start!
2. Go to your office and call Tamara asking for sex (booty call). There are
two events available in the Kitchen. Once you complete both of these events
the next section will unlock.
3. Go to your office and call Tamara asking for sex (booty call). There are
three events available in the Lounge (downstairs Hall). Once you complete
all three of these events the phone sex portion of Tamara's path will be
4. Sleep at night with Laura at hour 23 or hour 0. You should get an
achievement completion event if you completed steps 1 - 3.
5. Be downstairs in your home (not in any room) between the hours of 12 - 19
on a weekday (Monday - Friday) with at least $1000 in the bank.
6. Choose Option - "Question Foxy" - Agree to help them.
7. Go to Foxy's bedroom at midnight (hour 0) as agreed upon.
8. Sleep Saturday night with Laura in your bed at hour 23 or hour 0. If an event
doesn't trigger then go downstairs in your house between hours 6 - 8.
9. Supervise Tamara's Bachelorette party which starts at hour 16 on Sunday.
Visit the various unlocked rooms in your house to unlock party sex events.
1 - Foxy's room, 1 - Dining room, 1 - Gina's room, 1 - Guest room, 1 - your Bathroom,
1 - Kitchen, 1 - Gina's Bathroom, 1 - your Bedroom, 3 - Pool, 3 - Lounge.
Not all rooms will have events at all hours. Check all the rooms often!
The party ends at midnight. Save your game at several different points
during the party (using different save game names) in case you need to go back
and complete something you missed.
10. Go to sleep in your bed at hour 0. You should get two achievement completion
events if you found all the party sex events and participated in all of them.
One completion event is for completing Tamara's Bachelorette party (had sex with
Tamara and her bridesmaids). The other is for finding and completing all of the
party sex events. You may have to sleep two nights in a row for both achievement
completion events to trigger when you go to sleep.
11. Go to sleep with Laura at hour 23 or hour 0 at least three days a week for up
to two weeks. You should see three total events after you go to sleep with
information about Laura. Two of these events may occur during the Tamara
phone sex events. The last event will talk about you deciding to follow her
the next time she leaves after dinner.
12. Be in your home on Friday after deciding to follow Laura (downstairs, not in
any room) and eat dinner with your family at hour 19 in the dining room.
13. After dinner (hour 20), follow Laura in your car and see where she is going.
14. Be persistent and find a way into the club (don't go home or leave).
15. Do everything you are told by the club owner and follow ALL of his instructions
(major spoilers if I tell you more than this). Read everything you are told very
closely and try to understand where he is coming from. Fast clickers will miss
out on a lot of the story and won't understand what is going on.
16. Drive home, ending up back at your house and go to sleep. You should get an
achievement completion event that night or the next night you sleep.
Tamara's main path is complete, however I added an extension to it to finish up the story
and answer a lot of questions about Laura's and Pedro's relationship.
17. Ask Laura for sex.
18. Choose Options - "Talk with Laura", "Yes, girl! Come to me!", "Sweet loving wife",
"I understand", "Got it!"
19. A surprise event will occur if you responded lovingly to Laura and were apologetic.
20. You have to be a model husband and make sure the house is clean and spend time
with Dexter and take care of him. This will unlock a new event in your office.
Requirements to continue this path:
a. Patched your relationship with her fully (in love again)
b. Sleeping with Laura in your bedroom
c. Must have the option to have anal sex with her (before #13 occurred)
d. Minimum relationship of 2000 with Laura
e. Pool clean
f. House clean
g. Play with Dexter
h. Nurse/Feed/Take care of Dexter
21. "Post I'm lonely" on Twitter in your office. Laura has nine girlfriends that
will service your sexual needs. Complete all nine sex events (don't back out or
decline any of them or it will end all the events). Only one event is available per day.
If the "Post I'm lonely" on Twitter events aren't available for some reason then you
need to pay attention to the "Laura" requirements above or go to bed and start a new
day. The final event is the girlfriend with the ex-husband. These events are a lot
of fun, so take your time and enjoy them! None of them are repeatable.
22. Go to sleep at night to trigger an achievement completion event.
23. Go downstairs in your home anytime of the day after hour 6 to have an encounter with
your wife Laura. Have fun!
I hope you enjoyed Tamara's new path! I had a lot of fun writing the story and coding it!
Spectre1viper Mod есть - это 10+ гигов видео к игре с теми же актрисами, ну, и доп сюжет вроде, не помню точно, давно проходил. Если интересно кому, залью куда-нибудь.
Сппсибо за прохождение! Этот мод у меня тоже есть, надо было сразу его в раздачу включить. А сейчас не знаю, что делать, слишком много сидов на раздаче, чтобы торрент перезаливать, а 10 Гб выложить особо некуда...