11.30 Progress
Hello I'm just finishing the battle events and gonna to add some more contents of the weekend in the game,
I tried a lot of animations but not satisfied with most of them, that's why it took me so long to make the battle events.
I hope I could finish the update by this week, but it all depends on the conditions(If I want to add or remove events).
I will make a post one day before the update
← Жми это Гиф
← Жми это Гиф
← Жми это Гиф
Sorry everyone, I made an estimate of the finishing day of the update, which may bring a lot of displeasure.
I want to change the story on Sunday so it takes a little more time to finish that.
Since everyone is waiting for the update. I will make a release tomorrow evening(Tokyo time zone).
It won't cover contents on Sunday. I will finish that part on this weekend. Thank you!